How to get to the C-suite

Today, women account for less than 5 per cent of the top leadership roles in the biggest American corporations. Huffington Post therefore asked the female CEO of Buffalo Wings, Sally Smith, how to break through the glass ceiling to become a female top executive.

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While not an S&P 500 company, Buffalo Wild Wings is a fast growing American corporation. When Smith took over the reigns in 1996, it had 35 restaurant locations. Today it has more than a 1,000 and in the fourth quarter of 2014, the company’s total revenue increased by 19.7 per cent to 408.9 million dollars.

When asked what the best path is for a woman to become a CEO, Smith noted, "be curious". Smith further explained: "Ask why things work. Figure out what customers focus on or desire. These things will serve you well." Along the way, Smith doesn’t believe that women should be working with the sole intention of becoming a CEO, but rather, with the goal of soaking up as much knowledge as possible.

Similarly, gaining exposure is another critical component Smith points to for those desiring to become a CEO. "It's hard getting on a board unless you have board experience. Start with a non profit or volunteer opportunity and get some experience. That way you'll maybe then be asked to serve on the board of a small family business. Over time, these things develop," Smith explained.

Finally, Smith believes that patience is a critical attribute of anyone seeking to become a CEO: "Sometimes, I think people want the process to happen so fast," she noted. Yet, for other reasons, Smith believes that patience is critical for women seeking to climb the corporate ladder: Part of it is that men have been going to business school longer than women. “I think sometimes it takes some time to turn over CEOs, just like it does with boards. We just added a female director to our board, and it wasn't that we weren't pursuing one, but it was that we couldn't work to add one until there was turnover.”

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Barbara Bierach